Monday, May 08, 2006

Picture Quiz 21

OK! So, I finally get some time to post a quiz of my own! Sorry Nikhil, I haven't had time recently to look at the other quizzes (though instead of arguing about Salman etc., I could have spent those 5 minutes trying to solve the quizzes!)

Anyway, here are three pictures. You need to identify the 4 people in these pictures, as well as identify the chain of thought behind these three pictures. That is, identify the link between the first and second photos, and the link between the second and third.




Anonymous said...

1) Naseeruddin Shah and Bhakti Barve-Inamdaar. Link to second picture is Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro.

2) Neena Gupta who was Pankaj Kapoor's secreatary in Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro.

3) Anju Mahendroo. Not sure how to link these two together. Were they in Khaandaan together ?

Anonymous said...

Wait sec ... I guess the connection is West Indies crickters ? Mahendru is to Sobers as Gupta is to Richards ?

Anonymous said...

1. Naseruddin Shan
2. Bhakti Barwe
3. Neena Gupta
4. (Am getting there)

Anonymous said...

1.Naseeruddin Shah and Bhakti Bharve ( In Jane Bhi do Yaroon movie)
2.Neena Gupta

3. Anju Mahendru

Naseeruddin and Neena acted together in Jane Bhi do Yaroon

Neena and Anju were engaged to former West Indies cricketers(Viv Richards and Gary Sobers respectively)

Nikhil said...

We lost the first two comments because of changeover from Nikhil's account to Anand's. So I am copying and pasting it.
First Comment was from Vidya:

#1 Naseerudin Shah
#2 Neena Gupta
#3 Anju Mahendroo
Second comment was by Nikhil
1. Naseeruddin Shah and Bhakti Barve-Inamdar

gives you "Jaane bhi do yaron"

that gives you

2. Neena Gupta

gives you Vivian Richards
gives you Sir Garfield Sobers
gives you

3. Anjoo Mahendru.
