Friday, May 05, 2006

Another Picture Quiz in Words (#2)

All comments published. All three Solutions in the comments section.

Since I cannot upload images now, here is something you can work on till I get a chance to do so.

Can you find these on the web? (Indexed by Google images or Google websearch).

1. A picture that says "Steve Wah!" (that was released a few years ago).

2. A picture of a famous award winning famous scientist and a famous award winning famous poet.

3. A famous IT guy *laughing* with a queen. (queen is also laughing).


Anonymous said...

2) Search for Tagore Einstein and you get a lot of pictures

Anonymous said...


Bill Gates Queen Elizabeth. There's number of pictures, in one Gates is clearly *laughing*

Nikhil said...

#2: Dixie

Nikhil said...

#2: Dixie, DP
#3: DP

Anonymous said...

If I search for Steve Waugh WAH I get a couple of pictures. Are those enough ?

Anonymous said...

Search for Queen Gates in It's the Latifah kind of Queen, not the Elizabeth kind :)

Nikhil said...

#2: Dixie, DP
#3: DP, Dixie

Anonymous said...

its an Amul ad

Nikhil said...

#1: Gayatri
#2: Dixie, DP
#3: DP, Dixie

I thought maybe I should give a hint for the first one but Gayatri has solved it. All I want to say is, "Steve Wah" should be *in* the picture.

Nikhil said...

I was expecting
for #3 but DP and Dixie were almost there.