Monday, May 08, 2006

Picture Quiz 22

Update2: added more clues for #5. I will wait another day and post the solutions on Saturday morning (IST).
Update: added some hints in the comments section.

Well, I have another quiz ready! The last one was pretty easy, hopefully this one is more challenging. The idea here is similar. There are a series of photos each of them linked to the previous in the some manner. As in the last one, you need to identify all the people and the relations.


Anonymous said...

1.Greg Chappell
2. Seal
3.Yuvraj Singh

still figuring out the other two pics.

Anonymous said...

This one looks tough.
Other than Greg Chappell and Yuvraj, I am not sure of anything.
I guess #2 is cricketer too and then Kambli would be a good guess. #4 seems very familiar but cannot figure out who he is.

Still trying though! You should update the comments with names of people who have managed to solve it fully/partially though.

Anand said...

#1 and #3 has been solved by Gayatri and Nikhil. If there is no progress in the other questions, then I will add some hints.

Anonymous said...

Is #2 Dave Chappelle? just trying to think a bit too much maybe.

Chappell gives you Chappelle who is singing(?) and then that gives you Yuvrah Sing(h) :)

I think I could use a clue.

Anand said...

Well, I will go ahead and give some hints. #1 and #3 are the easiest of the 5. Remember that these photos are somehow linked...

1. #2 is related to #1 through some incident last year.

2. #5 has something in common with #2 too.

Anonymous said...

#2 is Mohinder Amarnath

Anonymous said...

#4 is Stuart Binny, Roger Binny's son.

Anonymous said...

I am still working on how the four guys in #5 can be derived from #2.

I have not figured the link from Jimmy to Yuvi either. Link from Yuvi to Stuart can be sons of ex-India cricketers who also play cricket.

So #5 should have a relation to Stuart as well as #2 (since you mentioned that).

Anonymous said...

Is #2 Seal ?

Anand said...

Nikhil is the only one to get the first 4 correct. DP has gotten the 1st one correctly. Let me give some more clues for #5. (Nikhil should almost definitely get it based on the ones he already knows.)

It is very likely that you haven't even heard of two of these guys...but you should know two of them. However, you almost definitely know somebody from each of their families. And they are not related to cricket in any way.

Anand said...

Btw, #2 is not Seal.

Anonymous said...

All I can guess from your "helpful" :) clue is it is a picture of a famous father and a famous son (relation to #2) possibly from Karnataka (relation to #4) and they are standing with 2 of their little known family members whose eyes have been cut unnecessarily making me wonder for 2 days who the heck is that guy with a beard? :)

Anonymous said...

I have tried different singers, musicians, industrialists that I could think of .. no hit.

I cannot think of a link between #4 and #5 other than Bangalore or 'relative of a famous person.' Second type link is not very strong.

Also cannot relate singing Jimmy to #5, other than they are (related to) singers.

Anand said...

OK. This is the last clue I will give. To make the playing field level, I will post the answers to #1-#4.

#1: Greg Chappell
#2: Mohinder Amarnath
#3: Yuvraj Singh
#4: Stuart Binny

As I said before, #5 is somehow related to #2 in addition to #4. The guys in #5 have the same property as Stuart Binny: their fathers are better known than they are, and their profession is playback singing.

Anand said...

"The guys in #5 have the same property as Stuart Binny: their fathers are better known than they are, and their profession is playback singing."

I should probably clarify: Roger Binny's profession is not playback singing :-) But he is better known than his son. The only difference between guys in #5 and Stuart is the profession.

Anonymous said...

I don't belive I had forgotten Nitin Mukesh. I thought they were famous sons and I actually searched for "Mukesh son". Shame on me! :)

Nitin Mukesh, Amit Kumar, Khaled Mahmood and Shahid Rafi.

BTW, I had searched for "Mohammad Rafi son" also. and instead of "Amit kumar" used "anoop Kumar" as the string.

Nikhil said...

I meant:
I can't believe that I forgot Nitin Mukesh is Mukesh's son.

Good one Anand! A little too tough maybe but fun!

Anand said...

I decided to make it tough seeing the response to the last one. I knew #5 was the toughest...and I was wondering whether I should add it. The one I liked was Amarnath's.

Btw, have you figure out all the links?

Nikhil said...

Greg chappell to Amarnath is the coach position. (Amarnath: "Pata hota to Hum bhi Fair and lovely use kar lete." after losing to a white guy)

I am not sure about link from Amarnath to Yuvi. Sons of cricket players who represented India sounds a little weak.

Same for Yuvi to Stuart.

You already mentioned the one from Stuart to #5.

I got Amarnath as I was searching for all the people related to Chappell in some way. I searched for Dravid, Ganguly and Amarnath gave the answer.

Since you said #2 was related to #5, I started searching for all the WC83 sqaud, and when I searched for Binny was pleasantly surprised to see #4 in the hits.

Yuvi: i had seen that picture. It is a recent one I think. I first thought it was Raina and then searched for Yuvi.

Anand said...

Link between Amarnath & Yuvraj is a bit stronger than the one between Yuvraj & Stuart: father and son both have represented India, but are better known than their fathers.

Stuart & Yuvraj: sons of ex-cricketers, and have represented India in U-19.

Anonymous said...

That was a pretty tough quiz :(

Al the quiz masters are solving but what about poor souls like me :( :(

Nikhil said...

Although I agree with Gayatri that this was one of the toughest one out there, we needed that to make sure that Gayatri is not an AI after seeing her solve most other quizzes.

I was out for the weekend and so could not post anything. Maybe will post a text quiz till then if I can find something.

Anonymous said...

Another request from me - can we avoid cricket for a while ? It's not that I don't like cricket, but since I can't follow it on TV here, I can't identify anyone through pictures.