Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Picture Quiz 13

I will be glad if this one lasts even a day.

1. I have no idea how easy this one is (just like the other ones).


2. Identify the guy on the right. I don't think I will have to remove the glass effect.



Anonymous said...

In the second picture, I think the guy on the right is Steve Jobs -- although I cannot find a picture on Google. The word "Computer" on the wall is an easy clue. Let me see if I can find the actual picture.

Anonymous said...

Found the picture - search for "apple computer steve jobs early photo" on google.


Anonymous said...

In the first picture, thats Azhar and Sangeeta at the IIFA 2005 held at Amsterdam.

Anonymous said...

I thought these will hold up for at least a day.

Very Impressive Aravindh! How did you guess Azza so quickly? Had you seen the picture earlier or did you recognize Azhar?

You guys have to wait for a day to get a new one now. I woke up pretty late today.

Anonymous said...

A quick google search of the words on the street sign (Ingang, Transferium) showed that these were dutch words. From that I figured the place out (amsterdam). Then, a search for "film festival in amsterdam" and "bollywood" yielded IIFA... Searching for IIFA 2005 pictures, i came across this picture.

Anonymous said...

I had half a mind of blurring out the signs but then a link-list investigation like this is how it is supposed to be. Great work there!

Abhijit Dixit said...

I guess Jobs was a giveaway. You can easily recognize him.