Friday, March 31, 2006

Picture Quiz 12

o Added something for the deadlocked third picture.
o Replied to request for Genre in the comments section.



Come on mates, you can do it! Will it help if one more person was there?



Anonymous said...

The person in the second picture is Sonu Nigam.

Anonymous said...

That is right.

I do not want to make this a "comments only by blogger user" section. So if you want to solve it, please do post your name also. You can do that by using the other radio button.

And I am hoping that you will not put a name just for the sake of entering a name.

Abhijit Dixit said...

Isn't the first one some female MP ? I know the face, just can't remember the name right now. Need to Google now.

Anand said...

1 is Salma Sultan, the news reader.

Anonymous said...


Anand, I seriously did not expect anyone to get that so soon. Let us know how you got that. I also searched for "J V Raman" but could not find his picture anywhere. "Namaskar! Aajke mukhya samacharon mein: Pradhan Mantri Shri Rajeev Gandhi Roos ke liye rawana..."

I actually thought that the last one would be answered first.

Abhijit Dixit said...

Damn ... the whole day, literally the whole day I was thinking of this and had got it. I was out the whole time and as soon as I came back I was ready to type Salma Sultan and Anand beat me again!! I was searching for "DD newsreader", "DD newscaster" but wasn't getting anything.

Anand said...

I can't really describe how I got it. Well, I first thought it was Sharmila Tagore because of the dimple in the chin, but somehow this photo looked different...maybe the hairstyle. So I gave up on ST. Then, it suddenly struck me that she could be that old newsreader...and I thought that would be just the kind of person you would choose. Of course, I didn't remember her I searched for Doordarshan newsreader, and found her name in some of the results. Putting her name into Google Images confirmed the answer! All in all, it took just 5 mins or so.

Nikhil said...

Damn! I am really worried about that "just the kind of person you would choose". I will try my best not to be predictable now :) (tough to do it though.)

Her hairstyle was the reason I decided to go with the "black bar" rather than the whole head. It would have been difficult to get the top two as the images do not have other attributes to search on.

Move on to the third one now.

Abhijit Dixit said...

A "genre" might be helpful

Nikhil said...

Buddy, I think a genre would be a very big hint. And since I have already given you two hints, in tomorrow's hint I will describe the person I talked about in my last hint.

Anonymous said...

The third one is a picture of the friends minus phoebe

Anonymous said...

And that is Correct!! A cracking entry by Kaveri here.

That is the reason I called you guys mates and buddy. Not that I would not have otherwise. :)

Anyway, I will let Dixie sulk for a while on this.
(search for "Friends Aniston" or something, you will find it in th first few pages)