Friday, March 24, 2006

Picture Quiz-11

Update: Clues added

What on Earth is this?

And who are these people?

Clue for #1: The question itself is a clue and the fever is rising.

Clue for #2: Dixie, both of your wishes. A less obfuscated picture and the clue: If you don't get it, maybe you should click and go away for some time.


Abhijit Dixit said...

That's a little too much obfuscation for me. I can't begin to guess who those four are. Maybe a clue ?

Anonymous said...

1) amoeba?

2) A group of DJs?

Anand said...

Sholay actors: AB, D, SK, AK

Nikhil said...


Take a look at the original pic. It was taken on the set.

(Search for "Sholay" if the link gets cut off)

Abhijit Dixit said...

For some reason, I kept thinking it might be Sholay given the tonoe of the picture, but with the dots it was impossible to ascertain and I guess I was too lazy to Google for it yesterday.

I think we should ban Anand for the next couple of quizzes, he has an unfair time advantage anyway ;-)

Anonymous said...

anything to do with Mt. St. Helens and its eruption?

Nikhil said...

nope nothing to do with Mt St Helens or its foothills.g

Anonymous said...

it looks like a erstwhile Bihar map to me but I don't think it is that simple..!!! isn't it Nikhil?

Anonymous said...

ok got it ..its map of germany : company/Europe.html

Anonymous said...

You got it. It is morning here and I can put up a new one within 24 hrs.

Earth gives me the image of a globe and so what on Earth was a clue for a land mass.

The football fever is rising and "foothills" was a lame attempt to direct everybody to football.

Coming to think of it, it does look a bit like old Bihar.

Anonymous said...

I interpreted Earth as a Google Earth image of something on earth. So was trying to find some continent with that shape (first guess was arctic or antartic and the fever is rising made me think that you were talking about global warming :)). Should have continued on that path and searched for countries with that shape.

The second guess was some famous volcano eruption and its image.

Abhijit Dixit said...

Fever took me off track - I was googling for things like 'West Nile' and 'Avian Flu'!

Nikhil said...

Darn! I feel bad for giving a bad clue. Will try to give better clues next time.