Sunday, March 19, 2006

Picture Quiz-10

Update: Clue 1 posted at the bottom

Blogger is having some trouble with uploading images for last few days. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. I was able to upload images after a few tries. Hope you have fun!

If there is enough enthu, I will start keeping score of these.

I am going to try out a few variants of the picture quiz. Here is my first try. So Can you identify the eyes? The eyes are medium, tough and very easy this time. Lets see if I am right or not about the difficuly level.


And who is singing now?


Clue 1


Abhijit Dixit said...

The last one is Mandela. The middle one at first shot I thought was Salman, but I need to look at it a little more. First one looked like Tom Cruise at the first go.

Anonymous said...

By first look, first is George W Bush, last is Nelson Mandela, second one looks like Ashutosh Rana but not absolutely sure about it.

Anonymous said...

The last one is right for both.

For the first and second, I will provide clues shortly. Maybe open up their faces a little more.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe the second one is Omar Abdullah if it has to be a politician

Anonymous said...

The singer looks like me in Chigoor 1994 :-)

Abhijit Dixit said...

Is the second one Kumble by any chance ?

Anonymous said...

Hints about the first two eyes:


(May have watched cricket but have not played pro cricket).

The last one is workable just from the picture. There are two things in there that can help you take a guess. Google can do the rest to confirm it.

Abhijit Dixit said...

Looks like the time has come to expand the pictures a bit.

Abhijit Dixit said...

Leander Paes. Still looking at (1)

Abhijit Dixit said...

The first one (knowing you), is probably a tennis player and since I haven't seen tennis in quite a while, it's going to be difficult to figure out. I'll have to apply brute Google searches and am tired tonight

Anand said...

First names that came to my mind: beckham, paes, mandela ?

Nikhil said...

And you would be correct!! Congrats!

Anand gets a 100% score on the eyes quiz.

About the headless one, again the hints are all there. One hint is on something that he is wearing and the other hint is something that he is wearing.

Guess something based on these two and use "[guessed something] singing" to get the actual picture.

Anonymous said...

"harbhajan singh singing"

Nikhil said...

BCCI logo is on his shirt.
He is wearing the "kada" (Bracelet).

Ok I need to get the next one ready tonight then!!

Nikhil said...
