Monday, April 24, 2006

Picture Quiz 18

(Solved! and all comments published.)

Last shot with comment moderation. Response to last one was not so encouraging. Hope people are still checking this. If not, I will announce it to a wider audience next weekend :)

Clue for #1: This Very Stylishly dressed couple is on their honeymoon. This picture was also used to promote the tourism there.(Sometimes you google, sometimes you yahoo. I had saved this image long time ago and even I could not find the original image through google. Yahoo found it from me. The page that has the image can be searched through google also.)


Anonymous said...

The second picture is Will Smith!

Nikhil said...

Gayatri has solved the second one.

Nikhil said...

Dixie has solved the second one as well.

Anonymous said...

#2 = will smith??

Nikhil said...

Vidya has also posted the right answer for #2.

Let's see who gets #1 first.

Anonymous said...

Sehwag -

Searched Yahoo for Sehwag Honeymoon. Given your clue, I was sure it's a cricketer.

Nikhil said...

Dixie has solved #1.

Vidya said...

ok.. my better half insisted that was sehwag before the clue was posted..

Nikhil said...

Vidya gets the first one too (with some help this time ).