Monday, April 10, 2006

Picture Quiz 16

Update2: One more hint added for the first one (cryptic since I already gave a hint).
First hint for #2.

Update: A hint posted in the comment section for the first one.

Comment Moderation Activated for this one.

1. What is special about these images?
Hint: Oops. Did I mean special? I meant spatial or did I mean special? I am confused.

2. Hint: He is also a cricket commentator and has some ties to America. With this, this has become text googleable.


Anonymous said...

I think they are images of people on how they will look when they become old.

I am not sure if that is the kind of answer you are looking at.


Nikhil said...

Nope that's not it.

A hint:
Who looks furious and who looks relaxed in this picture?

Nikhil said...

I don't know how Swapna's comment was displayed. Those of you who saw it, that is the correct answer.

About the second one, Dixie has solved it so far after the latest hint.

I will publish the solutions Friday night.

Nikhil said...

I think I know why her comment was displayed. She submitted it from a browser where I was logged in.

Blogspot lets you post comments if you are a member of the blog. It does not fwd them to anyone for moderation.

Nikhil said...


1. This is a famous optical illusion called "Mr Angry and Ms Calm."

I called it "spatial" as if you move away from it and then look (or change your focus) the expressions are interchanged.

2. White guy, playing cricket in Indian colors, does not look like foreign staff we had, mayb a bollywood connection (given other puzzles like tennis stars playing golf etc). Bollywood, white guy... let's try Tom Alter.