Friday, February 29, 2008

Picture Quiz 42

All Comments Published

Not a bad quiz number for the revival, eh?

Let's do it!

1. Identify the one on the right.

2.  Guess who?

3. Look carefully. There is a lady standing there too.


Anand said...

2 - Rajendra Nath
3 - Jacqueline Kennedy

Vidya said...

1. Abdul Kalam??
2. Rajendranath
3. Jackie Kennedy

Nikhil said...

Well, looks like Anand forgot that he is a moderator and his comments from main account will be publi shed immediately. So Anand(and Dixie), don't log in before sending comments.

This may prompt me to post another one soon as two of the answers are posted already. Here are the current scores.

1. Vidya
2. Anand, Vidya
3. Anand, Vidya