Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Alphabet of Movies

All Comments Published.

I wanted to have twenty six pictures (A-Z) to make up the alphabet of the movies, but lethargy and uncertainty of the success of such a quiz made me cut them down to a few. If people like this, I'll make another. I need to know who I am talking about from A to R. If you can figure out who/what I'm talking about, you'll find the actual picture in the first two pages of Google image searches. And here's the pictures.

BTW, (A) doesn't mean the answer of the clue starts with (A) or anything like that. I could have numbered the clues 1-25, but that would have been less fun.


(A) above was a very succesful movie. Both the lead actor and actress won the Academy award. The movie was a little different from the usual. Of course, the lead character (Q) in (A) is one of the most famous actors in hollywood.

Let's take (Q) along three paths which may cross later.

(Q) in 2004 acted in a romantic comedy (B) shown in the picture below. I believe it was a mild hit.

The lead actress in (B) was (C). She is a very very well-known actress in Hollywood and has a really long movie career. In fact, she also played a role in one of the most famous movies of all time - (D) - shown in the picture below.

She played the wife of the character played by (E) shown below.

By the way, the picture of (E) above is the cover of the movie (R). Can you tell me what (R) is ?

Anyway, in the sequel to (D), there were two great actors of all time. (E) of course, played the same role again. But, (F) played the role of (E)'s father. Let me tell you again, (E) and (F) are among the most reputed Hollowood personnel today.

(F) also starred with (H) in a comedy movie (G) which is shown below. (G) was supposed to reflect the real life politics at that time.

(H) of course is still famous for his role in (I) shown below. The picture is enough to know what movie it is!!!

Ok enough of this line. Let's go back. (Q) identified earlier played an amazing role in a horror movie (J) shown below.

Of course, (J) was written by the great (K), known for horror movies. (K) also wrote a book on which a non-horror, award winning movie (L) was based. (L) is shown below.

One of the characters in (L) was played by (M) shown below.

(M) in turn played a very very small role in the movie (P) shown below.

Of course, the lead actor in (P) is (O). You have to know who (O) is if you like movies. You know (O) is also known for jumping while (S) was watching. That jump is in the next picture. Who is (S) ???

And finally of course, (Q) thought that (O) "can't handle ...." in (N) below.

Extra points for telling me what he couldn't handle!!!

OK, happy solving. Tell me who/what I'm talking about from A to S.


Anonymous said...

A: As good as it gets
B: Something's gotta give
C: Diane Keaton
D: Godfather
E: Al Pacino
F: Robert De niro
G: Wag the Dog
H: Dustin Hoffman
I: Graduate
J: Shining
K: Stefen King
L: Shawshank Redemption
M: Tim Robbins
N: A Few good men
O: Tom Cruise
P: Top Gun
Q: Jack Nicholson
R: Scarface
S: Oprah

Nice one. Would have been better if alphabets corresponded with answers but that would have been a hint.

Vidya said...

Brilliant... real teaser... Nikhil... are u getting the hint?? :D
I am just posting in the order the pics appear.. i'm trying to keep track of numbering.. but am sure u can work out what belongs to what!
A Jack Nicholson (As good as it gets)
B Jack Nicholson, Something's gotta give
C.Diane Keaton (Something's gotta give)
D The Godfather
E scarface/ Al Pacino
F Robert Deniro
G Wag the Dog
H Dustin Hoffman
I (the graduate)
J The Shining
K Stephen King
L The Shawshank Redemption
M Tim Robbins
N A few good men
O. Tom Cruise
P. Top Gun
Q Jack Nicholson
R Wag the Dog
S Oprah Winfrey

Vidya said...

you can't handle the truth

Nikhil said...

Complete Solution: Nikhil :)

Vidya said...

a small element of confusion... please clarify if u can...
By the way, the picture of (E) below is the cover of the movie (R). Can you tell me what (R) is
above or below?? below is actually cover of "wag the dog"
if you mean above, then R is scarface

Abhijit Dixit said...

Nikhil and Vidya have solved it so far.

Vidya, I agree, it's just a teaser. Made it in a hurry. The next time, the clues won't be so direct and so closely linked.

Kaveri said...

I may have gotten some of the letters mixed up ;)

A - As good as it gets
B - Somethings gotta give
C - Diane Keaton
D - Godfather
E - Al Pacino
F - Robert De Niro
G - wag the Dog
H - Dustin Hoffman
I - The graduate
J - The Shining
K - Stephen King
L - Shawshank Redemption
M - Tim Robbins
N - A few good men
O - Tom Cruise
P - Top Gun
Q - Jack Nicholson
R - Scarface
S - Ophrah Winfrey

Abhijit Dixit said...

And Kaveri too.

Anonymous said...

A -As good as it gets
B-Something's gotta give
C-Diane Keaton
E-Al Pacino
F-Robert De Niro
G-Wag the Dog
H-Dustin Hoffman
J-The Shining
K-Stephen King
L-Shawshank Redemption
M-Tim Robbins
N-A Few Good Men
O-Tom Cruise
P-Top Gun
Q-Jack Nicholson


Abhijit Dixit said...

Gayatri gets all but one correct. There's no "Tootsie"

Anonymous said...

A. As good as it gets
Q Jack Nicholson
B Something's gotta give
C Diane Keaton
D The Godfather
E Al Pacino
R Scarface
F Robert De Niro
G Wag the Dog
H Dustin Hoffman
I The Graduate
J The Shining
K Stephen King
L The Shawshank Redemption
M Tim Robbins
P Top Gun
O Tom Cruise
S Oprah Winfrey
N Few Good Men

The truth!

Abhi Joglekar said...

a - as good as it gets
b - something gotta give
c - diane keaton
d - the godfather
e - al pacino
f - robert de niro
g - wag the dog
h - dustin hoffman
i - the graduate
j - the shining
k - stanley kubrick
l - the shawshank redemption
m - tim robbins
n - a few good men
o - tom cruise
p - top gun
q - jack nicholson
r - scarface
s - oprah

bonus question - "the truth"

Anonymous said...

Damn ! Solved it to realise all the answers are already published. Dixie, this was an easy one considering we all have the powers of IMDB at our disposal. Good effort though. Keep them coming !! :-)